Our Southern Materials Recovery Facility (SMRF) is South Australia’s largest and most technically advanced facility to recycle the contents of your kerbside recycling bin.

Opened in 2021 as a Joint Venture with Re.Group, the SMRF is currently processing over 41,000 tonnes of yellow bin recyclables every year, helping the more than 480,000 residents across southern Adelaide to process their recyclables in an efficient and sustainable way.

As well as providing core services on behalf of its constituent councils of Holdfast Bay, Marion and Onkaparinga, the SMRF also services the Cities of Campbelltown and Mitcham

Featured on the War on Waste Season 3, our SMRF deploys the best available technology to maximise waste avoidance, with the capacity to process more than 80,000 tonnes of commingled recyclables every year, producing showcase recycling outcomes for the local community.

The facility is designed to meet the highest recycling standards and is equipped with seven optical sorters, advanced ballistic screens, advanced process controls and robotic quality control, capable of handling 25,000kg of yellow bin materials every hour. 

In recognition of the industry-leading calibre of its operations, the SMRF received the Society of Chemical Industry’s 2023 Plant of the Year Award and in 2022 was awarded the Outstanding Facility Award at the annual Waste Innovation and Recycling Awards.

With purity levels of 98%, our SMRF makes the highest quality products of any Australian Materials Recovery Centre for all key product streams, including:


Mixed Paper
Old News Print


PET Clear
PET Coloured
HDPE Natural
HDPE Coloured




Glass Sand

Please note, we only accept comingled recycling and commercial cardboard direct to the SMRF from pre-approved commercial and public sector customers that operate trucks fitted with the required safety equipment. 

New commercial and public sector customers are welcome. To become a customer, Contact Us.


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What We Do

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Southern Recycling Centre

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Renewable Energy Hub

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